Reporting Bugs

Please use the contact page to report bugs, things that are unclear, problems, request features etc. If the problem involves an error message, or something wrong visually, then a screen shot will likely help to identify and fix the problem..

Current Bug /Wish list

  • Clickable bug list (accessed via above heading) is slow to load.

  • Editor functions need checking for small screens (use scrollable fields?)

  • Solfa options menu should be more explicit

  • Editor menu needs rationalising

  • ‘Melody in’ tracking for musescore. Check midi out options

  • highlighting in upper chord elements (Hint: test octave height of each note by calculation in ChildNoteON HspNoteEvent>>#highlightOnHspOnlyFor)Recent fixes

  • Mouse button debugging tool needed to deal with different platform settings

(Jan, 2024)

  • Size of invertible Natural chords has been extended up to 11ths and 13ths in the Natural Chords map.

  • The Italian  solfa naming  (both up and down) using fixed ‘do’ has been added to note labelling to complement the existing British ‘moveable do’ solfa naming.

  • There is now an editor to allow end users to arbitrarily adjust, save, and share  new keyboard shortcut mappings. Settings have been created so far for British English PC shortcuts and Italian PC keyboard shortcuts to complement the existing British English Macintosh shortcuts.

  • All kinds of saveable  work (songs, chords, chord maps, shortcut mappings) are now saved in an xml format (.sixx)  that interchanges freely across platforms (unlike the previous .obj format)

  • Up until recently,  harmonically transformable songs (aka curated songs) could be created and edited in harmony space essentially only  by performing than either live or using step record. There is now graphic editor, still in prototype, with some rough edges, but capable of a wide range of editing and creation tasks

  • The piano keyboard now has a pop up menu to switch piano trace on and off and clear traces (formerly inconveniently only a preference menu item)

  • Playback speed, and saving and reloading of songs can now be controlled from the pop up menu on the curated song list  (formerly  inconveniently only in the Recordings main menu)

  • Editor tools layout for retina screens has been improved. Editing blocks remain hard to drag when they have too much writing on them - ameliorated slightly by truncate text workaround.

Big thanks to children and teachers of Eleonora Pimentel Fonseca for helping to identify the need for the Jan fixes.