More things to do
Group activities
Sketch/explore song ideas
Getting to grips with basics
Play your own chord sequence
Record your own chord sequence
Modify your own chord sequence
Play existing songs
Learn how to write songs by altering existing ones
Pick a song you like and find out how it works spatially
Learning a bit more – ideas from great chord sequences
Harmony as navigation
Why do jazz songs change key so much?
How does modal pop music work?
Investigate how harmony works (intuitively)
Pick songs you like with interesting harmonies
Find the minimal way to play the chord chart
Minimality & relationship to traditional harmonic analysis
Revealing Kolmorogorv complexity
Make guesses about why it works musically
Test your predictions by making modifications
Save your new songs
Learn elements of formal theory of harmony spatially
Why harmony is really three dimensional
How the notes are layed out in harmony space
How scales are built for harmonic purposes
How chords are built
Why keys? What are they for?
Labelling in harmony space
Chord sequences – games, patterns strategies
Harmonise a melody